The MACAC President-Elect shall be elected annually and shall succeed to the office of President, and then to the office of Past President. The President-Elect shall:
Be a member of NACAC
Assume the duties of the President upon the absence or inability of the President to serve
Succeed to the position of the President in the event the President cannot complete his/her term, and shall serve the remainder of the vacating President’s term, and then a full term as President;
Appoint chairs to fill vacancies that will occur on standing committees during his/her term as President, in consultation with the President and Past President. All such appointments shall take effect upon the commencement of the President-Elect’s term as President
Coordinate facility, food and beverage arrangements with selected NACAC vendor for MACAC meetings held at the annual NACAC National Conference
Serve as the Executive Committee Liaison to a MACAC standing committee
Serve on the Finance Committee
Serve as an Executive Committee member
Represent MACAC at the NACAC National Conference, membership meetings, LDI and Presidents’ Council meetings throughout the year
Serve as the alternate delegate for MACAC at the Assembly held at the annual NACAC National Conference
Attend all MACAC Executive Committee and Board meetings
Assist the president in preparing annual reports for MACAC and NACAC
Assume responsibilities as directed by the President
Chair ad-hoc committee(s) of MACAC as applicable and at the discretion of the president
The MACAC President shall be the principal elected officer of MACAC and shall: Be a member of NACAC
Call and preside at meetings of the MACAC Executive Committee, MACAC Board, and the Annual Membership Meeting at the Spring Conference and Membership meeting at the National Conference in the fall
Serve as the official spokesperson for the association, with the right to delegate this responsibility
Represent MACAC at NACAC LDI and Presidents’ Council meetings throughout the year
Appoint eligible persons to replace any vacancies that occur in the committees of the Association during his/her term, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors
Appoint persons to serve on special committees, which shall include task forces, panels and other bodies, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors
Appoint an eligible person to replace a vacancy in an unexpired term of an elected position, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee in consultation with the Governance and Nominating Committee
Serve as an active member of the Finance Committee
Serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees
Serve as the Executive Board Liaison to a MACAC standing committee
Prepare an agenda for the general meetings
Conduct meetings of the Executive Board in a manner that will assure that the focus of board meetings remains permanently a matter of policy
Prepare an annual report to the Executive Director of the NACAC
Serve as a delegate for MACAC at the Assembly held at the annual NACAC National Conference
Assume or delegate such other responsibilities as deemed appropriate to advancing MACAC’s mission
Determine who, of those individuals in the presidential cycle, shall serve, and for what term length (1-, 2-, or 3-yr term), on the College Knowledge Month Steering Committee of the MN Department of Education
The MACAC Past President shall serve as chair of the Governance and Nominating Committee.The Past President shall:
Be a member of NACAC
Call and preside over the Governance and Nominating Committee meetings
Prepare ballots for the general membership's votes at the annual conference; prepare a separate ballot for NACAC Assembly Delegate election
Serve as the Executive Committee Liaison to a MACAC standing committee
Serve as Chief Delegate to the NACAC Assembly
Serve on the Finance Committee
Attend all MACAC Executive Committee and Board meetings
Serve as trainer/mentor of new Executive Board members and president
Serve as chair of MACAC Leadership Development Program; facilitate application and selection process, facilitate selection of faculty, serve as liaison to contracted leadership consultant
Serve as principal contact to signature educational sponsor(s) of MACAC
Chair MACAC Legacy Grant Committee
Assume responsibilities as directed by the President
The MACAC Secretary shall:
Be responsible for the records of the association
Record the minutes of all meetings of the general membership, the MACAC Executive Committee and the Board
Distribute the minutes to all MACAC Board members as soon as possible after each meeting
Send out necessary notices of board activities including meeting dates and agendas
Prepare minutes from the business meeting of the previous Annual Conference for inclusion in the current conference Annual Report
Gather year-end reports from committee chairs and elected officials and create the annual report for distribution at the annual meeting
Assume responsibilities as directed by the President
Serve as the Executive Board Liaison to a MACAC standing committee
Responsible for Annual Report
The MACAC Chief Financial Officer shall:
Attend all Executive Committee and Board meetings
Serve as Ad-Hoc Finance Committee co-chair
Prepare a Treasurer's report for each Executive Committee and Board meeting indicating the revenue and expenditures to date
Keep accurate and complete financial records
Prepare a financial report for presentation to the general membership at the MACAC Annual Conference
Chair the Finance Committee and thereby coordinate the financial operations of MACAC, prepare an annual budget, assure sound fiscal policy and the economic prosperity of MACAC
Update the responsibilities of the Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect and MACAC's financial policies as directed by the President and the Board
Has signing power for MACAC accounts
Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President
Serve as the Executive Board Liaison to a MACAC standing committee
The MACAC Treasurer shall:
Attend all Executive Committee and Board meetings
Serve as Ad-Hoc Finance Committee co-chair
Prepare a Treasurer's report for each Executive Committee and Board meeting indicating the revenue and expenditures to date
Keep accurate and complete financial records
Prepare a financial report for presentation to the general membership at the MACAC Annual Conference
Chair the Finance Committee and thereby coordinate the financial operations of MACAC, prepare an annual budget, assure sound fiscal policy and the economic prosperity of MACAC
Update the responsibilities of the Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect and MACAC's financial policies as directed by the President and the Board
Has signing power for MACAC accounts
Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President
Serve as the Executive Board Liaison to a MACAC standing committee
The MACAC Treasurer-Elect shall:
Receive and record payment of annual dues and/or MEF fees by individual member institutions from the MEF coordinator
Serve as Ad-Hoc Finance Committee co-chair
Receive and record payments made by exhibitors
Deposit all funds received in a timely manner into appropriate MACAC accounts
Upon receipt of appropriate documentation, pay all bills and reimburse covered expenses of MACAC board members and committee members in a timely manner
Upon receipt of appropriate documentation, pay all advance requests in a timely manner
Assume duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer
Serve as a candidate for the Treasurer position after the first year of a two-year appointment
Has signing power for MACAC accounts
Attend all Executive Committee and Board meetings
Assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President
Serve as the Executive Board Liaison to a MACAC standing committee