Selected annually by the immediate Past-President (Chair) and the President-Elect, the Governance and Nominating Committee works to review MACAC's bylaws (annually and as necessary) and recommend bylaw changes to the membership at the annual Membership meeting. In addition, this committee is responsible for annually soliciting candidates for open MACAC Board positions, reviewing potential candidates, creating a single slate ballot and conducting the annual election.
Each year, the MACAC Governance and Nominating Committee members seeks nominations for the annual election of MACAC leadership positions. MACAC members are encouraged to consider self-nomination. Nominees will be asked to provide information about their professional background and involvement in MACAC, NACAC or other affiliate(s) for consideration by the committee. The Governance and Nominating Committee will review the nominations and candidate information and submit a single slate of candidates for election at the Annual Membership meeting during the spring conference in May. Members of the Governance and Nominating Committee are also available to respond to questions.
Executive Board Application Form
Applications and supporting materials are due to Brian Jones by the close of business on March 21st, 2024.
ContactAll questions about positions and process can be directed to Brian Jones, MACAC Past-President and Chair of Governance & Nominating Committee at MembersKerri Carlson, St. Catherine University Ann Kjorstad, Academy of Holy Angels Chris Franken, Eastview High School
The Governance and Nominating Committee Chair shall:
| MACAC Leadership Roles and Responsibilities President-Elect: This is a three-year commitment as the elected candidate cycles through the positions of President-Elect, President, and Past-President. Every attempt is made to alternate the organizational background from which this position comes each year; this year candidates from secondary institutions and community-based organizations (CBO) will be given preference but all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Candidates for all positions above must be MACAC members and nominations from all MACAC membership categories are welcome. President-Elect and Board Members-At-Large must also be (or agree to become) NACAC members. |