The Government Relations Committee is the link between MACAC and what is happening with higher education and financing on the state and national levels. We invite you to become active in the legislative process. Your experiences working with Minnesota students and families makes your opinion strong and necessary at the state and federal level. Please join us to advocate on behalf on Minnesota students and families.


Nate Dixon Venture Academy

Sam Kelly North Hennepin Community College

Board Liaison
Shawn Reid Shattuck-St. Mary’s

General Members
Jace Riggin Macalester College
Andrew Schindler
Elma Garvais University of Minnesota - Twin Cities


Day on the Hill

Date(s): March 6, 2025

Location: Minnesota State Capitol

Day on the Hill is an annual event in which we advocate for our students. As experts in our field, we make sure that our senators and representatives know the issues that impact our students and our institutions. 

Learn more about Day on the Hill.



Every spring, MACAC engages in Day on the Hill, a chance to connect with local legislators to thank them for their work supporting initiatives that help students and families, and advocate for areas that are priorities for our organization. This year, 20 MACAC members met with 30 legislators to thank them for their support of the Minnesota State Grant, while advocating for additional support of Safe Schools, which would add more funding for school resources, including guidance counselors (SF1884/HF1360).

Read more about Day on the Hill 2024.

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