MINNESOTA EDUCATION FAIRSMEFs are college fairs held in mid-fall and spring throughout Minnesota at high schools and other venues. They are a result of the collaborative work of MACAC, public and private post-secondary schools, and high schools. College representatives from post-secondary schools throughout the Midwest and other states attend to share information about their educational programs with students and parents. 2024-25 MEF ScheduleSchools Attending Spring 2025 MEFsRegister for 2024-25 MEFsParking InstructionsNOTE - MACAC will not accept POs for MEF registration.
The following fairs are closed for capacity reasons. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list please send an email to membersupport@mn-acac.org.
MEF ELIGIBILITY FOR 2024-2025 Please read before proceeding!Please read before proceeding! MEF participation and registration is limited to educational institutions and college- or university-affiliated ROTC programs that are 2024-25 MACAC Post-Secondary or Organizational members. JOIN or RENEW!
2024-2025 MINNESOTA EDUCATION FAIR (MEF) REGULATIONSTo ensure a positive MEF experience for all, we ask that you review the following rules and regulations. ● Eligibility: MEF participation and registration is limited to educational institutions and college- or university-affiliated ROTC programs that are 2024-2025 MACAC Post-Secondary or Organizational members. Registration is only open to Title IV eligible and accredited colleges, universities, other postsecondary institutions, or programs offering curricular study leading to a degree or diploma. ● Participating institutions and their representatives are responsible for notifying the MACAC Executive Assistant, Liz Hayes at membersupport@mn-acac.org if they are unable to attend a contracted fair. Prior to the day of the fair, changes must be directed to the MACAC Executive Assistant, Liz Hayes at membersupport@mn-acac.org. On the day of the fair, the representative, who for unforeseen problems cannot attend, should notify the MACAC Executive Assistant, Liz Hayes at membersupport@mn-acac.org. If an organization “no-show” at a site (for which they contracted) they will be subject to probation. Participating organizations with two or more “no shows” without prior communication, per MEF contract year, will be suspended for one contract year. ● Participating organizations arriving late more than twice for contracted fairs per MEF contract year will be placed on one-year probation. Punctuality is a basic part of being a professional. There are reasonable situations for a representative arriving late (i.e. an accident, car problems, or weather/safety issues), however, lack of planning ahead for issues such as parking, traffic, and directions is unacceptable! Representatives will contact the MACAC Executive Assistant, on the day of the fair if they are running behind, or if their institution will be absent without previous notice. ● Representatives will be present during all scheduled hours (as listed on the contract) except for brief breaks when needed. All late arrivals, early departures, absences or unusually long breaks will be recorded in writing by on-site coordinators and appropriate institutions will be notified of their representative’s infraction. The MEF Committee will regularly review infractions and determine probation or suspension from participation in MEF Fairs. ● Representatives should wear appropriate business attire. ● Prohibited displays: table top displays over 21” in height, audio and video equipment, flashing or strobing lights, posters, wall hangings, flag stands and free-standing floor displays are not permitted. Laptop computers, iPads and tablets with their own source of energy (i.e. battery only; sites will not provide electrical power) may be used to display visual college/organization information, audio will not be permitted. In addition, laptops may be used for data entry and catalog information. Any use (i.e. games) which is deemed distracting to nearby tables will be prohibited. ● Exhibitors will provide institutional literature only and will confine their activities and conversation with students to their immediate table area. Representatives are to remain behind or on the side of their table. Organizations are not to distribute advertising gimmicks, such as: shopping bags, cups, bottles, decals, stickers, book covers, rulers, calendars, combs, paper clips, key chains, bumper stickers, pennants or other materials. Drawings, raffles, and contests of any kind are prohibited. ● Cell Phones: Cell phones are only to be used for work purposes during fair hours, such as using the scanning application for pre-registered fair attendees. ● Institutions may be represented by a maximum of 2 persons. If alumni or ROTC representatives are representing the institution, they must receive adequate training from the institution and be educated on the contents of NACAC’s Guide to Ethical Practice as well as the MEF Rules and Regulations. ● Distributing materials outside of the fair site is prohibited. This includes use of mobile vans or distribution of flyers or other materials on cars, buses, or in person. ● Liability: Registrant agrees to protect, save and keep MACAC and hosting facilities forever harmless from any damage or charges imposed for violation of any law or ordinance, whether occasioned by the negligence of the registrant or those holding under the registrant, as well as to strictly comply with the applicable terms and conditions contained in the agreement between the hosting facilities and MACAC regarding the premises. Registrant shall at all times, protect, indemnify, save and keep harmless MACAC and the hosting facilities against and from any and all loss, cost, damage, liability or expense arising from or out of or by reason of said registrant's occupancy and use of the premises or a part thereof. ● Any institution/organization participating in a MACAC sponsored program must adhere to the principles of the NACAC Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admissions. This guide has been adopted by MACAC to guarantee a quality, educationally oriented experience for all students, parents and high school counselors who attend. Providing a high-quality experience will reflect well on all participants. |
Contact UsMEF Committee Chairs:Emma Scott, University of Minnesota Erik Aschenbeck, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University Molly Bonnett, Forest Lake Area High School
MACAC Executive Assistant Liz Hayesmembersupport@mn-acac.org |