Minnesota Education Fairs

MEFs are college fairs held throughout the state at high schools and other venues. They are a result of the collaborative work of MACAC, public and private post-secondary schools, and high schools. College representatives from post-secondary schools throughout the Midwest and some other states attend.

If you see a line through the college name, city, state and country that means they have cancelled their participation that that particular fair(s).

MEF 2024-25 Schedule

Schools Attending Spring 2025 MEFs

Who comes to a MEF?
Anyone interested in postsecondary education and military opportunities is welcome to attend a Minnesota Education Fair. Most high schools in Minnesota will be invited to attend a specific program based on the school's proximity to a MEF site. Prior to each MEF, the Site Coordinator will provide site-specific information to area high schools and participating postsecondary institution.

Download "Questions to Ask at MEF"

Register before you go to the fair!

Students attending the fairs go to the registration page at www.StriveFair.com and fill out a quick form on their phone or computer (in advance or at the door). When they sign up, StriveScan sends them a barcode via text message and email. The next day, students receive an email with a report on all of the colleges and representatives they met along with their contact information and social media profiles. There is no cost for students.

Don't forget to pre-register your personal information online!   Sign up for a barcode at strivefair.com.

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